Are you looking to improve your skills for your next shopping trip to Mercadona during your holidays? Let's dive into the essential key phrases and vocabulary you need to navigate Spanish-speaking grocery stores with confidence.
Supermarket Essential Key Phrases and Vocabulary in Spanish: Your Shopping Companion
Crucial vocabulary:
El carrito (de compras) - Shopping cart
La cesta - Basket
La fila / La cola - Queue / Line
La caja - Checkout
La bolsa - Bag
La tarjeta - Card
Los puntos - Points (for loyalty cards)
El recibo - Receipt
Key Phrases for Supermarket Success
Now that we have our essential vocabulary, let's look at some key phrases you might hear or use:
"¿Bolsa?" - "Bag?"
"¿Tarjeta de puntos?" - "Loyalty card?"
"¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta?" - "Can I pay with a card?"
"¿Necesita copia del comprobante?" - "Do you need a copy of the voucher?"
Supermarket Sections in Spanish
Knowing the different sections of a supermarket can help you find what you need:
Carnicería - Butcher's section
Panadería - Bakery
Lácteos - Dairy products
Despensa - Pantry items
Frutería / Verdulería - Fruit and vegetable section
Pescadería - Fish counter
Congelados - Frozen foods
Bebidas - Beverages
Productos de limpieza - Cleaning products
Practice Dialogue: At the Checkout
To help you put these supermarket essential key phrases and vocabulary into practice, here's a sample dialogue:
Cajero: Siguiente en la fila por favor. (Next in line, please.)
Cliente: Buenas tardes. (Good afternoon.)
Cajero: Buenas tardes. ¿Bolsa? (Good afternoon. Bag?) Cliente: Sí, dos, por favor. (Yes, two, please.)
Cajero: Aquí tiene. ¿Tarjeta de puntos? (Here you go. Loyalty card?)
Cliente: No. (No.) Cajero: €97,25, por favor. (€97.25, please.)
Cliente: ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta? (Can I pay with a card?)
Cajero: Claro. ¿Necesita copia del comprobante? (Certainly. Do you need a voucher copy?)
Cliente: No gracias. (No, thank you.)
Cajero: Perfecto, aquí tiene su recibo. Feliz día. (Perfect, here's your receipt. Have a great day.)
Cliente: Gracias. (Thank you.)