The holiday season is a special time filled with joy, family, and unique traditions, especially in Spanish-speaking countries. Whether you're celebrating Nochebuena (Christmas Eve) or Nochevieja (New Year’s Eve), these key phrases and vocabulary will help you engage with the culture and make the most of your festivities.
🎄 Key Vocabulary for Holiday Celebrations
Nochebuena – Christmas Eve, often celebrated with a big family dinner.
Example: "En Nochebuena cenamos mariscos y turrón."(On Christmas Eve, we have seafood and turrón for dinner.)
Nochevieja – New Year’s Eve, celebrated with traditions like the twelve grapes at midnight.
Example: "En Nochevieja comemos las doce uvas al sonar las campanadas."(On New Year’s Eve, we eat the twelve grapes as the bells chime.)
Turrón – A sweet almond nougat, a staple of the Christmas season.
Example: "El turrón es mi dulce favorito en Navidad."(Turrón is my favorite Christmas sweet.)
Villancicos – Traditional Christmas carols.
Example: "¿Quieres cantar villancicos después de la cena?"(Do you want to sing carols after dinner?)
Belén – A nativity scene, often set up in homes or public squares.
Example: "Vamos a armar el belén esta tarde."(Let’s set up the nativity scene this afternoon.)
Roscón de Reyes – A sweet ring-shaped cake eaten on January 6th to celebrate the Three Kings.
Example: "El roscón de Reyes tiene una figurita y un haba escondidas."(The roscón de Reyes has a figurine and a bean hidden inside.)
Champán – Champagne, used to toast to the New Year.
Example: "Brindemos con champán por un próspero Año Nuevo."(Let’s toast with champagne to a prosperous New Year.)
Mariscos – Seafood, commonly featured in Christmas Eve feasts.
Example: "Mi abuela siempre cocina mariscos en Nochebuena."(My grandmother always cooks seafood on Christmas Eve.)
Doce uvas – Twelve grapes eaten at midnight on New Year’s Eve for good luck.
Example: "¿Tienes listas las doce uvas para la medianoche?"(Do you have the twelve grapes ready for midnight?)
Regalos – Gifts, brought by either Papá Noel or the Three Kings.
Example: "¿Qué regalos te trajeron los Reyes Magos?"(What gifts did the Three Kings bring you?)
🌟 Key phrases in Spanish for Holiday Seasons
"Vamos a comer turrón" – Let’s eat turrón.
Example: "Después de la cena, vamos a comer turrón."(After dinner, let’s eat turrón.)
"¿Quieres cantar los villancicos?" – Do you want to sing Christmas carols?
Example: "Después de los regalos, ¿quieres cantar los villancicos?"(After the gifts, do you want to sing carols?)
"¿Qué horas son?" – What time is it?
Example: "¿Qué horas son? Ya casi llegan las campanadas."(What time is it? The chimes are almost here.)
"Vamos a armar el belén" – Let’s set up the nativity scene.
Example: "Mañana vamos a armar el belén con toda la familia."(Tomorrow we’ll set up the nativity scene with the whole family.)
"¿Quién quiere más?" – Who wants more?
Example: "¿Quién quiere más mariscos antes del postre?"(Who wants more seafood before dessert?)
"¿Qué te trajeron los Reyes o Papá Noel?" – What did the Three Kings or Santa Claus bring you?
Example: "¿Qué te trajeron los Reyes Magos este año?"(What did the Three Kings bring you this year?)
Traditional Holiday Foods in Spanish-Speaking Countries
The holidays are marked by delicious food and drinks:
Turrón: A sweet almond nougat, enjoyed throughout December.
Mariscos: Seafood dishes are staples of Nochebuena. Shrimp, lobster, and clams are common.
Champán: Toasted with at midnight on Nochevieja.
Doce uvas: Eaten as the clock strikes twelve on New Year’s Eve. Each grape represents good luck for one month of the year.
Roscón de Reyes: Enjoyed on January 6th in Spain, this cake often contains a hidden figurine and a bean.
🗨️ Sample Dialogue
Nochebuena Dinner and Gifts from Papá Noel
Scenario: A family gathers for dinner on Nochebuena (Christmas Eve) and talks about their gifts.
María: La cena está lista. ¡Tenemos mariscos y turrón para el postre!
(Dinner is ready. We have seafood and turrón for dessert!)
Carlos: ¡Qué rico! Los langostinos se ven deliciosos.
(How delicious! The prawns look amazing.)
Lucía: Sí, todo huele muy bien. ¿Quién quiere más mariscos?
(Yes, everything smells great. Who wants more seafood?)
Carlos: Yo, por favor. Después del postre, ¿abrimos los regalos de Papá Noel?
(Me, please. After dessert, shall we open Santa’s gifts?)
María: Claro. ¿Qué te trajo Papá Noel el año pasado
"(Of course. What did Santa bring you last year?)
Lucía: Unos calcetines y un libro. ¿Y a ti?
(Some socks and a book. And you?)
Carlos: Un reloj. Espero algo bueno este año también.
(A watch. I hope for something good this year too.)
I hope you enjoyed this Key phrases in Spanish for Holiday Seasons. If you want to know more about these celebrations, get our Winter Issue 2024 - Spain Edition